Showing 10 of 87 results for "LDAT"

Young people shine during Youth Month

Across Australia, there are many LDATs working with a target audience of people under 30. Here are some of the star young people from our LDAT program.

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Volunteering makes people happier and healthier

Volunteering is time given to a cause or organisation without financial gain, with an aim to social improvement.

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Recruiting volunteers for community activities

Recruiting volunteer help for your initiatives can be cost-effective and a good way to involve others from your community.

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Supporting the mental health of your community

There are many Australians who have experienced, are currently experiencing or will experience a mental illness in their lifetime.

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Text the effects: Stakeholder kit

Text the effects is a drug information service available via SMS.

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Local Drug Action Teams

The Local Drug Action Team program builds ‘protective factors’ in the community - working to prevent alcohol and drug issues forming in the first place.

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Why communities are crucial for Drug Action Team success

The best answers to the most complex problems often come not from the top down, but from the ground up.

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From scarecrows to jump squats, online action teams rock

Isolation isn’t taking the action out of Local Drug Action Teams from Auburn to Kyabram and Nannup to Lockington

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Connecting youth through virtual art classes in Nannup

Nannup’s Local Drug Action Team in Western Australia is keeping young people connected in the era of COVID-19.

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Building knowledge and connection

The Northern LDAT has been running a successful homework club and increasing family and community connections.

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Showing 10 of 87 results for "LDAT"