Showing 7 of 57 results for "About the LDAT program"

AOD and Young Adults Overview

Explore the LDAT toolkit for AOD and Young Adults. Empower institutions in higher education and the workforce to reduce AOD harm effectively.

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Key LDAT resources

These key resources will assist teams in building successful Local Drug Action teams and developing effective Community Action Plans

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Alcohol and Pregnancy toolkit overview

Discover the LDAT toolkit for Alcohol and Pregnancy. Promote evidence-based strategies to prevent alcohol harm during pregnancy effectively.

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Engaging the media

Learn how to engage with media effectively to promote community activities. Tips on identifying media, building relationships, and writing media releases.

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Community Engagement and Mobilisation overview

Discover the LDAT toolkit for Community Engagement, empowering communities to identify, engage, and collaboratively act on local issues effectively.

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Working effectively with the media

Effective strategies for working with media to promote community activities. Tips on media relations, spokespersons, content, and getting your story noticed

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Community Action on Alcohol Availability overview

Access LDAT toolkit for Community Action on Alcohol Availability. Empower communities to address alcohol harms and influence local decisions.

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