LGBTQIA+ Tasmanians and alcohol and other drugs: Gathering data for the community, by the community
The Tasmanian Drug Strategy 2024-2029 recognises LGBTQIA+ people as a priority population because of higher levels of alcohol and other drug (AOD) use among this community, caused by issues such as stigma, prejudice, discrimination and violence.
Working It Out Inc. (WIO) is Tasmania's sexuality, gender and intersex support, education and advocacy service. The org identified that there was a gap in data when it came to LGBTQIA+ people in Tasmania and AOD.
The LDAT designed a scoping project to identify future prevention activities wanted by Tasmanian LGBTQIA+ communities. This involved utilising partnerships with LGBTQIA+ community groups across the state and attending events to survey the community on gaps in social connection activities, as well as local AOD-related issues.
The survey findings
WIO’s scoping project, which was delivered in early 2024, is the first survey of its kind in Tasmania. The data captures information from predominantly lesbian, transgender, nonbinary, asexual and queer people. Of the 80 eligible respondents, half were aged 36 or older.
The statewide survey found the majority (56.25%) of respondents think that alcohol, tobacco and/or other drug use in the community is a concern, and most (88.8%) would like to attend AOD-free events.
Of those surveyed, 80% use AOD. The most common substances are alcohol, cannabis, tobacco, and ecstasy, used for social and recreational reasons, escapism, coping, or for managing pain or mental health.
Many of the respondents had another identity or intersection that informed their experiences, such as being neurodivergent, having a disability, a background of trauma, living in a regional area, being a person of colour or an Aboriginal person.
People described experiences of isolation due to discrimination and the desire to avoid AOD or compounding mental health issues because of their identity. Others noted that social anxiety caused them to rely on AOD in social situations.
The survey identified that respondents are interested in sport and recreation, clubs and hobbies, social coffee meet ups, a community space and dry parties.
Creating a Dry Community Fund
Using the data gathered, the LDAT is now planning a follow-up Community Action Plan to support a Dry Community Fund.
This will include upskilling LGBTQIA+ Tasmanians to build confidence and knowledge to deliver community-led AOD-free events and create accessible resources that increase AOD literacy, in partnership with local community organisations and leaders.