AOD and Older Adults Overview
Alcohol, Other Drugs (AOD) and Older Adults refers to a group of activities (e.g. awareness raising initiatives and education programs) that aim to prevent alcohol and other drug-related harms in older adults. LDATs can access the full version of the toolkits through the Community Action Plan platform LOG IN link (top right).
Although the content of this toolkit is more focused on adults in the retirement age, it can still be targeted at adults from the age of 50. Research indicates that some older adults are unaware of the risks of alcohol consumption and have limited knowledge of risky drug interactions with prescription medications that can affect their health.
LDATs can educate older adults on the health risks associated with AOD use as people age, and link them to programs that can support their mental health and well-being.
Toolkit includes:
- Key points for LDATs
- Drawing on existing programs
- Guiding principles
- Considerations for planning and delivery
- Delivering AOD information to older adults: key activity and measuring success
- Delivering AOD information to older adults: key steps